In Sai Kiran's Cheriyal mask masterpiece, he artfully portrays the divine love between Radha and Krishna. The intricately crafted mask captures the celestial couple in...
This beautiful Cheriyal mask painting by the artist Sai Kiran capture the essence of cultural heritage, each piece a testament to the artistry and tradition...
This beautiful Cheriyal mask painting by the artist Sai Kiran features a stunning Tiger Face. The yellow base color of the tiger's face is bright...
Sai Kiran's Cheriyal stand masks intricately capture the essence of cultural heritage, each piece a testament to the artistry and tradition of the craft. Standing...
This is the smallest Figure, Tamsik, evokes a sense of anger with its furious eyes and sorrowful lips, illustrating the adverse consequences of being ensnared...
These masks are limited edition Cheriyal scroll masks made as a counterpart of our art installation ‘SaRaTa’ at India’a first Art, Architecture and Design Biennale...
This Cheriyal Figure by Sai Kiran is traditional tribute toh the artform of south India, the Rajsik mask, smaller than the Sattvik yet larger than...
In Sai Kiran's Cheriyal mask masterpiece, he skillfully imbues the divine essence of Hanuman Ji. The intricately crafted mask resonates with the strength and devotion...
This beautiful Cheriyal Mask by the artist Sai Kiran portrays Lord Hanuman, painted in striking green and red color, symbolizing his vitality and strength. The...
In Sai Kiran's Cheriyal mask masterpiece, he skillfully imbues the divine essence of Hanuman Ji. The intricately crafted mask resonates with the strength and devotion...
The Cheriyal mask by Sai Kiran depicting Bal Ganesha, a child version of Lord Ganesha, is painted in a vibrant red-vermillion color, traditionally associated with...
Cheriyal masks are a counterpart of the better known Cheriyal scroll paintings. They have been important props in India's historical storytelling tradition. The face masks...
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