In this stunning creation by Kartik Manna, the Batik and Kantha embroidery blend to portray a tender moment between two birds set against a vibrant...
In this striking artwork by Kartik Manna, the fusion of Batik and Kantha techniques on a cotton canvas showcases a beautifully serene scene of nature....
This stunning Batik and Kantha artwork by Kartik Manna beautifully captures a serene village moment, portraying a man and woman fishing by a peaceful riverside....
This enchanting Kantha artwork by Kartik Manna is a delicate celebration of nature, where two vibrant hummingbirds dance amidst an intricate canopy of blooming flowers...
This striking Batik artwork by Kartik Manna is an exquisite representation of traditional Indian artistry, blending vivid colors and intricate detailing on a soft cotton...
This striking Batik artwork by Kartik Manna beautifully captures the essence of nature, featuring a vibrant scene of blooming lotus flowers surrounded by fluttering butterflies....
Karthik Manna's Kantha work is a mesmerizing tapestry that brings the traditional Indian textile technique to life through an intricate visual narrative. Set against a...
This intricate artwork by Kartik Manna, crafted with the delicate Kantha embroidery technique, captures a serene moment of connection between humanity and nature. In the...
This vibrant Batik artwork by Kartik Manna masterfully captures the tranquil beauty of riverside life. The composition centers around three traditional boats moored along a...
In this exquisite artwork by Kartik Manna, the meticulous Kantha embroidery technique breathes life into a vivid depiction of nature. At the heart of this...
In this captivating Batik and Kantha artwork by Kartik Manna, a man leisurely lies around the shrubs, holding a leaf in his hand as he...
This captivating Batik artwork by Kartik Manna features a beautifully printed background with two vibrantly colored birds embroidered in Kantha, perched gracefully on delicate branches....
In this captivating artwork by Kartik Manna, the Kantha embroidery technique brings to life the serene journey of three women carrying water pots through a...
Karthik Manna's Kantha work is a mesmerizing tapestry that brings the traditional Indian textile technique to life through an intricate visual narrative. Set against a...
This captivating artwork by Kartik Manna beautifully blends Batik and Kantha embroidery to portray a tender scene of maternal care and vibrant life in nature....
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