Diwali Decoration Ideas 2023

Diwali is quickly approaching, and its arrival inspires feelings of joy and festivity in all of us. As you read this, you are probably getting your lovely home spring-cleaned, polished, and painted in preparation for the Festival of Lights. The final stage of Diwali preparations is Diwali decorating. This year, MeMeraki brings you some ideas for sprucing up your home in time for the holiday season. Check out the latest Diwali home decor ideas that will brighten up your home! 


1. Resin Decor: Crafting Brilliance with Resin

Resin decor has taken the home decor world by storm, and it's the perfect choice for adding a personalized touch to your Diwali decorations. Consider creating resin plates with gold flakes, Diwali greetings, and diya impressions. These plates can double as gratuity gifts for your guests, and you can even embed glitter and traditional motifs for that extra sparkle. You can also add dried puja flowers to the plate, turning them into stunning wall decor pieces and keepsakes.


Diwali Decor
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2. Sweets That Pop with Color

Diwali is synonymous with delectable traditional sweets, but this year, let's add a twist. Use a combination of powder and gel food coloring to infuse vibrant hues into your sweet creations. These colorful sweets will not only delight adults but also get kids excited about the festivities.


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3. Diya Dessert Bowl

Why limit the use of traditional Diyas to lighting? Wash and dry your earthen Diyas and repurpose them as dessert bowls. Whether it's a fruit bowl, kheer, or ladoos, let each Diya serve as an individual, beautifully crafted serving for your guests.


Diwali Diya
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4. Flower Heaps: Floral Elegance in Abundance

Transform a regular steel or brass parat, a staple in every Indian kitchen, into a stunning centerpiece. Fill it with an array of fresh flowers or float some in water for added volume. This simple yet elegant idea brings nature's beauty right to your Diwali celebrations.


Photo Credit: Architectural Digest


5. Marigold Chandeliers: Crafting Radiant Florals

Create captivating marigold chandeliers by stringing marigold flowers together in long strands. Hang these vibrant garlands from your ceiling or doorways for an enchanting floral aura that will mesmerize your guests.


Diwali Preparations Ideas
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6. Matki Decor: A Rustic Touch to Your Festive Decor

Matkis are gaining popularity as versatile decor elements. Fill them with flowers, wrap flowers around them, or even paint them in vibrant colors. These rustic pots add a touch of tradition to your puja room and rangoli decor.


Festive Decoration Ideas
Photo Credit: Altair Decor


7. Flip Glasses: Upside-Down Elegance

Give your dining table a touch of class by flipping wine glasses upside down and adorning them with marigold flowers or tea lights. This unique decor idea is sure to make your table stand out.


Photo Credit: Pinterest


8. Temple Bells: Evoke Traditional Vibes

Hang decorative temple bells strategically in your home, whether they are real or molded, to infuse your space with a traditional festive feel. The gentle chimes will create a serene atmosphere, spreading the soothing aura of Diwali throughout your living space.


Photo Credit: Wed Me Good


9. Flower Swap: Marigold Makeover

Replace your modern floral arrangements with marigold bouquets to capture the essence of Diwali's festive spirit. Marigolds are not only vibrant but also considered auspicious.


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10. Bangles to Candle Holders: A Sparkling Transformation

Stack up colorful bangles and place a tea light in the center to craft unique and vibrant candle holders. Use at least 10-12 bangles to add length and enhance the vibrant glow emanating from within the holder. This idea adds a touch of glamour to your Diwali decor.


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11. Canvas of Divinity: Artistic Elegance

Place a wooden easel adorned with paintings of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha to give your Diwali celebrations a contemporary twist. You can place any religious painting on the easel, including depictions of deities. This artistic touch brings a unique and distinctive ambiance to your home.


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12. Traditional Textiles: Weaving Festive Elegance

Hang traditional textiles on your doorframes or other areas of your home to infuse a sense of desi charm. These fabrics add warmth and color to your Diwali decor. You can also hang a Pichhwai on your temple wall to add opulence to your religious celebration. View the catalogue of Pichwai paintings here.


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13. Temple Wall Mount: Elevate Your Spiritual Space

Enhance your home temple with green vines or traditional betel leaves as a backdrop for deities. Incorporating lush greenery into your temple space can also infuse it with a sense of natural serenity and tranquility. This decor idea creates a spiritual ambiance for your Diwali prayers.


Photo Credit: Pinterest


14. Fruit Art: A Tasty Table Centerpiece

Fruit art inspired by Diwali and Hindu symbolism is a delightful and creative way to celebrate the festival's vibrancy. Picture a fruit platter adorned with meticulously carved fruits in shapes representing traditional Diwali symbols like diyas (lamps), rangoli patterns, and even Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi. This unique edible artistry captures the essence of the festival by blending culinary skills with the spirit of Diwali, making it a conversation-worthy and delectable addition to your celebrations.


Photo Credit: Pinterest


15. Neon Lights: Embrace the Glow

Invest in a neon "Happy Diwali" sign that will light up your home with festive joy. Neon lights add a modern and vibrant touch to your Diwali decorations, and consider that a generic festivity sign can also be purchased to put up for all festivals year round. This versatile addition will make Diwali parties even more enjoyable, as people can take photos with it, and it requires minimal effort to elevate the decor for any celebration.


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16. Puja Thaali: A Folk Experience

Elevate the spiritual experience of your puja rituals by incorporating traditional Indian art forms like Pichhwai and Aipan into your puja thali. Pichhwai art, renowned for its intricate and vibrant depictions of Lord Krishna and other deities, can be represented on the thali's surface or as an ornate backdrop. To DIY this enchanting thali, consider attending workshops offered by platforms like MeMeraki, where you can learn the techniques and intricacies of these traditional art forms. It's an opportunity not only to deepen your connection with your puja but also to discover your creative potential. 


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17. Incense Lamps: Fragrant Illumination

Combine the beauty of lamps and incense by using incense lamps. These dual-purpose items not only provide illumination but also infuse your space with delightful fragrances. You can use traditional fragrances like gulaab, chandan and gajra to make it extra special.


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18. Torans and Wall Hangings 

Add some Diwali flair to your walls with paper and flower garlands. Without a doubt, crepe paper torans last longer than real flower torans and unquestionably have a nicer appearance than their plastic counterparts. LED lighting can be used in combination with these wall hangings to create some quirky fun. 


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This Diwali, let your home decor be a reflection of your festive spirit. These creative ideas will not only brighten up your space but also make your Diwali celebrations truly memorable. Happy Diwali!



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